Product Introduction 產品說明 |
3007004_80801_HYDRA-COLLAGEN CLEANSING GEL Contains natural ingredients, including: collagen, aloe vera, vitamins. Effectively removes excess oil and dead skin cells on face. It helps to remove freckles and acne and make skin look brighter and white. Directions: Gently massage onto face, then rinse. Use one to two times per day. Suitable for all types of skin. Can be used as make-up remover. 160ml 3007004_80801_骨膠原美白水份1分鐘見效神奇洗面啫喱 探用天然美容護膚要素, 骨膠原、蘆薈及維他命, 經按摩後釋放出美白精華, 淡化黑斑、暗瘡印、防止暗瘡、雀斑、油脂粒、眼部脂肪粒形成, 深入清潔毛孔污垢, 將阻礙新細胞生長的硬化角質層、黑頭、粉刺及死皮清除,避免因毛孔阻塞而出現毛孔粗大和缺水老化現象,使用時即刻見效。 用法: 用適量的洗面啫喱按摩面部, 待面上老死角質層同污垢形成粒狀混合物後, 用清水洗淨, 每日用1-2次, 適合任何皮膚。(可用於卸妝) Made in USA Sell by: Mings (H.K) Enterprises 利明洋行有限公司